BAUWAW, a mail-order online store for domestically produced additive-free dog food for puppies (no added colorings or fragrances). How to choose dog food for a safe puppy

Although the average lifespan of dogs is increasing every year, the number of dogs that become ill and require care is also increasing. Devoted care for sick dogs is important, but it is also important for owners to always take good care of their dogs' health so that they do not get sick.

Many dog ​​foods contain additives, so we recommend choosing additive-free pet food that is easier on your pet's body, or choosing dog food that suits your pet's changes in health.

Here, BAUWAW, which sells dog food without added flavorings or colorings, will introduce what you should know about dog food in order to keep your dog safe, and how to choose dog food that suits your dog's stage of development.

If you are planning to get a puppy or want to choose dog food with your dog's health in mind, please use this as a reference.

Are domestic ingredients safe? How to choose additive-free dog food that is safe for your puppy

When you first start raising a puppy, you may be worried about whether you can raise it properly. In particular, many people are concerned about how to choose dog food, which has a major impact on the growth of a puppy. Here, we will introduce how to choose additive-free dog food that you can safely feed to your puppy.

Are any additives used?

First of all, one thing you can feel safe about when choosing dog food is that it does not contain any additives. Additives are used to improve the flavor and appearance of food and to extend the shelf life, but they are not good for your dog's health.

Well-known additives found in dog food include ethoxyquin, colorings, synthetic flavors, BHA, etc. If you are concerned about additives when purchasing dog food, we recommend choosing additive-free dog food that does not contain additives such as colorings.

Choose antioxidants that are naturally derived

Antioxidants are used to prevent the oxidation of oils contained in dog food. Antioxidants are necessary ingredients in dog food manufacturing, but natural antioxidants such as rosemary extract and marigold are healthier than antioxidants such as BHA and BHT.

Does it contain high-quality protein ?

What puppies need for their growth is high-quality protein. It is an important nutrient that builds bones, muscles, and internal organs, and puppies need more of it than adult dogs. When choosing protein, choose a food that is rich in animal protein. Check to see if it contains meat such as chicken or beef, or fish such as salmon or tuna.

If you want to choose additive-free dog food made from domestically produced ingredients that you can safely feed to your dog from the time it is a puppy, please use BAUWAW's mail order service. We have a wide range of dog food that contains no added colorings or fragrances.

We have a variety of dog food brands available, including Ziwi Peak, which uses 91% fresh raw meat from grass-fed, free-range venison and lamb, Gather, which is certified organic by a third party, and Yum Yum Yum!, a premium food made in Japan, so please feel free to shop with us.

No added colorings or flavors! 4 recommended dog foods from BAUWAW

Helman Pure Pork (100% organic pork) DOG & CAT

Helman Pure Pork (100% organic pork) DOG & CAT
Price: ¥480

Hermann Pure Kangaroo (100% Kangaroo Meat) DOG & CAT

Hermann Pure Kangaroo (100% Kangaroo Meat) DOG & CAT
Price: ¥480

Yum Yum Yum! Senior & Light Chicken Soft Dry Type

Yum Yum Yum! Senior & Light Chicken Soft Dry TypePrice: ¥470

Yum Yum Yum! Chicken, soft dry type

Yum Yum Yum! Chicken Soft Dry TypePrice: ¥380

What you need to know about additive-free dog food to raise a puppy with peace of mind

To raise a puppy with peace of mind, be sure to choose additive-free dog food.

Even if you want to feed your dog additive-free dog food, many people are unsure of what criteria to use to choose.

Here's what you need to know about dog food to ensure you have a safe and secure puppy.

Many dog ​​foods contain additives

The Pet Food Safety Act requires that information such as the name, expiration date, ingredients, country of origin, and details of the manufacturer, importer, or seller be included on the label. However, dog food is not regulated by food-related laws such as the Food Sanitation Act, JAS Act, or Health Promotion Act, so the reality is that it often contains additives that are not used by humans.

When purchasing, we recommend that you choose dog food that is additive-free, and be sure to check the ingredients to make sure there are no dangerous ingredients.

It is important to choose dog food that suits your dog

It is important that dog food is additive-free, but it is also important that the dog food is suitable for dogs. Just like humans, dogs need different nutrients and calories depending on their age, so age must be taken into consideration.

Why dog ​​food contains additives and what types of additives they are

When purchasing dog food, do you check whether it contains additives? There are many different types of additives.


For example, dry dog ​​food contains antioxidants such as BHA and BHT. There have been rumors that feeding dogs dog food containing BHA increases the risk of cancer, but it has been reported that it is not carcinogenic unless given in large quantities. *The amount stipulated by the Pet Food Safety Act (150μg/g or less) BHA was originally used to suppress the oxidation of gasoline, so for your dog's health, we recommend choosing additive-free dog food.

Coloring agent

Just like human food, colorings are sometimes used in dog food. Speaking of the manufacturing process of dog food, even the same product can have variations in color depending on the harvest time and place of origin of the raw materials. Colorings are used to even out such color variations and provide a sense of security.

BAUWAW's mail order service sells dog food that contains no added colorings or fragrances. If you are looking for dog food that is good for your dog's health, please use our mail order service.

List of additive-free dog food products for puppies

Choose additive-free, domestically produced dog food that is safe for your pet, from puppies to senior dogs!

Choose additive-free, domestically produced dog food that is safe for your pet, from puppies to senior dogs!

We recommend feeding your dog dog food according to its life stage. Below are the types of dog food for puppies according to their age.

Nursing food (up to 4 weeks old)

It is a "milk substitute" that comes in both liquid and powder types.

Food for weaning babies (up to 4-8 weeks of age)

There are many types of "baby food" for dogs, including powder, paste, wet, etc. When puppies reach the age of 6 weeks, they will start to get their baby teeth, so mix in some dry dog ​​food to help them get used to it.

Food for growing children (from 8 weeks to 1 year old)

Puppies grow rapidly during this period, so food for the growing stage is high in calories and protein to ensure healthy growth. Some puppies may not have fully developed intestines, so feeding them a large amount of dog food at once can cause indigestion, so please observe your puppy's condition and increase the number of meals.

List of additive-free dog food products for puppies

Food for adult dogs (ages 1 year and up)

There are many manufacturers selling a wide variety of products, so you can choose one that suits your dog.

Food for senior dogs (ages 6-8)

It is low in fat and calories to suit dogs with reduced metabolism and digestive function. As your dog gets older, we recommend that you have regular health checks and feed it additive-free dog food that is suited to its physical condition.

List of additive-free dog food products for senior dogs

BAUWAW sells dog food recommended for puppies and senior dogs. Whether it is for puppies or senior dogs, we do not use food additives such as preservatives, antioxidants, coloring agents, or fragrances. If you are looking for additive-free dog food, please use BAUWAW.

If you're looking for dog food without added colorings or flavorings, we recommend ordering BAUWAW online!
We sell products recommended for puppies and senior dogs.

We have introduced the characteristics and types of dog food for those who want to keep their dog with peace of mind. Recently, many large pet shops have started to sell a wide variety of pet foods, but it is important to choose dog food according to not only the dog's age but also its preferences and physical condition.

Also, for your pet's health, choose additive-free dog food, which puts less strain on the body and helps the pet grow healthily.

BAUWAW sells dog food recommended for puppies and senior dogs. For puppies, we offer dog food rich in nutrients such as protein and calcium, and for senior dogs, we offer high-protein, low-fat, low-calorie high-quality dog ​​food. Rest assured that we only sell domestic dog food that has passed high standards of safety or high-quality dog ​​food from advanced pet countries. None of the products we offer contain preservatives, antioxidants, coloring agents, fragrances, etc. If you are looking for additive-free dog food, come to BAUWAW.

Additive-free dog food inquiries

We have gathered a selection of high-quality additive-free foods!