Things you need to know about cat food to keep your kitten safe. Diet that suits your kitten's growth.
When kittens are born, they grow only by drinking their mother's milk for a while. For about three weeks after birth, they cannot walk properly and their daily routine is to drink their mother's milk and then sleep.
Once they reach one month of age, they start to walk around and play with their siblings. However, they need their mother's help with excretion and grooming, and they only get their nutrition from their mother's milk.
At this age, kittens become more active and interested in various things. Some kittens become interested in the cat food their mother is eating and even eat it with their mother.
Here, BAUWAW, an online store that sells cat food without added preservatives, colorings, or fragrances, will explain in detail when is the best time to feed kittens cat food during the weaning period in order to keep them safely, as well as the differences between cat food for kittens and cat food for adult cats.
To keep your kitten safe! Kitten diet

Cats show remarkable growth from birth until they turn one year old. For the first three weeks after birth, they drink their mother's milk and sleep repeatedly, and they gain 10 to 30 grams of weight every day.
However, they still need help from their mother with excretion and eating. At this age, their teeth will begin to grow, so if they grow normally, they can start weaning food from about one month after birth.
Also, instead of switching to cat food right away, start with a paste-type cat food for kittens that you dissolve and feed to them. When feeding, start by giving a small amount every day, and gradually increase the amount!
Once your kitten is happy to eat the baby food, you can switch from baby food to kitten cat food. When switching to cat food, it's best to do it gradually, just like when you were changing baby food.
When choosing cat food for kittens, it's best to choose one that is suitable for their age and contains no additives.
It is said that weaning should start around 3 months of age, but each kitten grows at a different rate, so don't rush it. It is believed that the food a cat eats up to about 6 months of age will continue to affect it even when it becomes an adult, so be sure to feed it additive-free cat food.
BAUWAW's online shopping site sells cat food that contains no preservatives, colorings, or fragrances.
List of Cat Food ProductsWhat is the difference between food for kittens and food for adult cats?

When a mother cat and kittens live together, the kittens may become curious about the cat food their mother is eating and may end up eating it together. Since it's the same cat food, you might think there's no problem, but you should never feed kittens cat food for adult cats.
The reason is that cats, whether kittens, adult cats or senior cats, all have different nutritional needs.
Kittens in particular need nutrients to form bones and muscles, and kitten cat food contains a lot of these nutrients. Kittens are small and active, so they need more calories than adult cats.
Here are some examples of calorie needs:
- 8 weeks: 260 kcal
- 14 weeks: 200kcal
- 20 weeks: 150 kcal
- 40 weeks: 100kcal
- 52 weeks: 80 calories
You can see that the calorie needs of an 8-week-old cat are more than three times higher than that of an adult cat at 52 weeks of age. In addition, kitten food contains a lot of protein and taurine, which help build muscle, skin, and immune function.
If you feed a kitten cat food for adult cats, it will lack the nutrients it needs during its growth period, and conversely, if you continue to feed an adult cat kitten food, it will consume too many calories and become obese. You can easily purchase additive-free cat food on online shopping sites, so in order to keep your cat safe, it is recommended that you choose cat food that is appropriate for your cat's age.
If you are looking for cat food without preservatives, colorings, or fragrances, please visit BAUWAW's online store.
When choosing cat food for kittens after they have been weaned from their mother's milk, it is important to keep them safe as they continue to grow. BAUWAW's online store sells kitten food that is free of preservatives, colorings, and fragrances, with the hope that kittens will grow up healthy.
It contains a lot of high-quality animal protein that kittens need to grow, and the extra-small cat food for kittens is popular because it is easy for kittens to eat. If you are looking for high-quality, additive-free cat food for kittens, be sure to check out BAUWAW's online store.