[Veterinarian] Detailed explanation of heartworm prevention for your beloved dog or cat!
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Spring is approaching.
Spring is the time to start heartworm prevention!
This time, we will explain heartworm prevention not only for dogs but also for cats from a veterinarian's perspective.
In addition, Bow Wow Place offers a wide range of food snacks and care products that contain the nutrients needed to stay healthy.
Please use the correct information to help maintain the health of your beloved dog or cat!

1.What is filariasis?
Causes and pathology
This disease is caused by a parasitic worm called "heartworm" in Japanese that is transmitted by mosquitoes and infests the heart.
Heartworms are transmitted from mosquitoes to dogs in the following order, which is called the "life cycle" in technical terms:
① Mosquitoes suck the blood of infected dogs and carry the larvae of heartworms called microfilariae.
②Inside the mosquito's body, the microfilariae grow into larvae.
③When this mosquito sucks the blood of another dog, the larvae enter the dog's body.
④ The larvae grow under the skin and in the muscles of your dog. ←Preventive medicine will eliminate these larvae!
⑤The grown larvae invade the blood vessels.
⑥The larvae travel through the bloodstream to the heart and grow into adults.
At this stage, blood circulation becomes poor, causing various symptoms such as coughing, fatigue, and fluid accumulation in the abdomen.
◆ Diagnostic and treatment methods
Diagnosis can be made by blood test.
If a large number of adult worms are present in the heart, the diagnosis can also be made by cardiac echography.
In mild cases, medication is given and the patient is waited for the infected heartworm to die.
In cases of multiple infections, treatment is by oral medication, but care must be taken because anaphylactic shock can occur if the filariasis dies all at once.
There is a procedure that can surgically remove the parasite from the heart, but this is only suitable for a limited number of patients.
◆ Can cats also be affected?
It is caused by a parasite called heartworm, but cats can also become infected.
However, cats have a certain degree of resistance, so the infection rate is lower than that of dogs.
However, compared to dogs, even a small amount of infestation can cause serious symptoms.
Heartworm disease in cats is more difficult to diagnose than in dogs, and the timing and type of symptoms that appear are different in cats.
Delaying treatment can lead to sudden death, so prevention is all the more important.
2. Timing of prevention
◆ From what month to what month?
Basically, the recommended period is "from one month after mosquitoes emerge until one month after mosquitoes have stopped being seen."Mosquito breeding season varies depending on where you live, so please consult your veterinarian to find out how long you should continue the prevention measures.
There are also year-round preventative measures to ensure that you are protected from infection. If you continue to take preventative measures year-round, you will no longer need to undergo the tests described in the next section.
◆ Why do we have blood tests before prevention?
As mentioned in Chapter 1, if your pet is infected with a large number of heartworms and takes the medication, all the heartworms in the body will be killed at once, which can cause the pet to go into shock. Therefore, it is necessary to have a blood test every year to check for infection before taking the preventive medication.Antigen tests and microfilaria tests, which are commonly performed at veterinary clinics, require only a small amount of blood, so they are less stressful for dogs and cats. Detection is possible 5 to 6 months after infection.
3. Prevention methods
Most medications are taken once a month.
Although it is not widely available, there are also medications that require an injection once a year.
This time, we will explain about preventive medications that are taken monthly.
◆ Snack type
The preventive medicine has a snack-like flavor, making it highly palatable.
There are products that only prevent heartworm disease, but all-in-one types can also prevent fleas, ticks, gastrointestinal parasites, and more in addition to heartworm disease.
◆ Tablet type
Tablets are recommended if they are easier to swallow.
As far as I know, I have not seen any all-in-one tablet type, so if you use the tablet type, you will need to administer flea and tick preventative medication separately.
◆ Drip type
If neither the snack type nor the tablet type is convenient, there are also preventive medications that are applied by drops to the skin.
Most heartworm preventatives for cats are in the form of drops.
If it is difficult to administer the medication at home, one option is to ask the veterinary clinic to administer the medication at the same time as you get the prescription.
Since it takes some time for the drop-type medication to be absorbed through the skin, it is important to avoid getting the medication wet with water for two hours after administration.
If your pet has sensitive skin, please consult with your veterinarian before using this product.
◆ Do I have to buy preventive medicine at the hospital?
Preventive medications are prescription drugs, so they cannot be purchased unless you have been examined by a veterinarian and have been prescribed them.
Products sold at home improvement stores where there are no veterinarians tend to contain small amounts of medicine, so it is questionable whether they will be effective.
It would be pointless if over-the-counter medications were ineffective and you ended up getting an infection.
Visiting a veterinary hospital takes effort, but be sure to receive a thorough examination before receiving any prescriptions.
Once you have examined your pet, they may be able to prescribe medication only, so please consult your veterinary clinic!
Summary: For safe and secure dog and cat food, come to Bow Wow Place!
This time, we have explained in detail about heartworm prevention for dogs and cats. To avoid forgetting to give the monthly preventative medicine, please decide on the administration date each month and write it down on the calendar!
Take proper precautions and enjoy life with your dog or cat!