We recommend dog food that is rich in moisture to help prevent your dog from getting tired in the summer!

Top » Column » We recommend water-rich dog food to help your dog avoid summer fatigue!


Do you ever feel like your dog is not doing well in summer or late summer? Not only people, but dogs are also susceptible to getting sick in summer.
Although they may not suffer from heatstroke, there are many cases of dogs suffering from summer fatigue.
This time, we will introduce the symptoms and signs of summer fatigue, how to deal with it, and recommended dog foods to prevent summer fatigue.

Bow Wow Place has a wide selection of dog foods that are recommended for preventing summer fatigue. Please use the correct information to help maintain your dog's health!

1. What are the symptoms and signs of summer fatigue?

Because of Japan's hot and humid climate, dogs can suffer from summer fatigue, just like humans, not just outdoors but also indoors.
It is no exaggeration to say that symptoms of summer fatigue are any state in which a dog is feeling the heat, but the following are some of the more problematic symptoms and signs:

・Lack of energy・Becoming easily fatigued・Loss of appetite・Sleeping longer・Reluctance to go for walks・Digestive symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea・Drinking large amounts of water and urinating large amounts・Being restless and anxious

Humans have sweat glands all over their bodies and regulate their body temperature by sweating, but dogs only have sweat glands in their paws and noses and are covered in fur, so they are weak to heat and have difficulty regulating their body temperature. They release heat from their bodies by panting, breathing with their tongues out, but in hot seasons it is difficult to take in cool air and this can lead to summer fatigue. Observe your dog carefully and don't miss any SOS signs from your dog! It is also important to take preventative measures such as resting in a cool place and eating hydrated food to keep your dog from getting sick!

List of "WOOF" dog food products recommended for summer fatigue

2.What is important to prevent summer fatigue?

If you just wait and see about summer fatigue without doing anything about it, the symptoms may get worse, so please take appropriate measures immediately.

Also, preventative measures such as paying attention to "water", "temperature" and "food" are very important! Take precautions on a daily basis to protect your beloved dog.

2-1 How to deal with summer fatigue
1) Diet that is easy to digest and rest <br>If your dog shows signs of being unwell, it is important to feed him easy-to-digest foods such as moist wet food or dry food with reduced fat, and to make sure he gets plenty of rest in a cool place.
If you need to take your pet for a walk to defecate or urinate, do so during cooler times of the day, within reasonable limits, and prioritize recovery of strength. Follow the instructions of your veterinarian.

2) Visit a veterinarian If you notice that your dog is acting differently than usual, or that he or she has been living in a hotter environment than usual, please consult a veterinarian immediately. Unfortunately, there is no specific cure for summer fatigue.
At the veterinary hospital, they will administer symptomatic treatments to prevent vomiting if your pet is vomiting, anti-diarrheal medication if it has diarrhea, and intravenous drips if your pet is dehydrated, in order to prevent it from losing energy.
Be careful, as summer fatigue can cause your physical strength to decrease and underlying illnesses to develop!
How to cope with summer fatigue
2-2 How to prevent summer fatigue
The most important thing is to prevent your dog from getting summer fatigue. Make sure your dog doesn't get summer fatigue by paying attention to the environment they live in and the daily precautions they need to take!

1) Drink plenty of water . Drinking plenty of water is important not only to prevent summer fatigue but also for maintaining good health. When it's hot and you start panting a lot, your body will use up a lot of water.
Make sure your dog always has fresh water available. If you leave your dog at home alone, it's a good idea to have multiple containers filled with water. When you go for a walk, make sure you have plenty of water in plastic bottles.

If your pet doesn't drink much water, adding whey from yogurt or boiled chicken water to the water will attract them to drink more. However, water that has been mixed with these ingredients will spoil easily, so please dispose of it as soon as possible.

2) Temperature control The temperature that is comfortable for your dog will vary depending on the breed and the type of fur. Use an air conditioner to keep the temperature at an appropriate level indoors. However, as there are individual differences, please observe your dog to see if they are feeling cold or hot, and adjust the temperature accordingly.
Also, be sure to brush your pet frequently. Brushing your pet will help remove loose hair and hairballs, which will improve its ventilation!

- Double-coated dog breeds with dense fur: 19-23°C
*Japanese dogs, Dachshunds, Pomeranians, Corgis, Chihuahuas, Papillons, etc. Single-coated dog breeds that are weak to the cold: 22-25°C
*Toy poodle, Yorkshire terrier, French bulldog, Maltese, etc.

3) Dietary Tips
Meal Ideas | Bow Wow Place

When your pet loses its appetite, it may leave dry food uneaten. In such cases, it is a good idea to add boiled meat juice or other liquid to the dry food, as this will not only replenish moisture but also make the dry food more palatable.

If your pet still has no appetite and seems dehydrated, you may be able to get them to eat wet food, which has a high moisture content and is more palatable.
Unlike dry food, which is dry and hard, this food contains a lot of water and is soft, so it is easy for dogs to eat. It generally contains 78-82% water, so it can provide sufficient hydration. You can hydrate your dog even if he stops drinking water, and you can let him eat by licking it even if his swallowing ability weakens.

Bow Wow Place sells WOOF Dog Food, a fresh freeze-dried dog food. It is delicious when soaked in three times the amount of water or lukewarm water below 37 degrees Celsius. When rehydrated in hot water, it becomes like homemade food, making it easy to feed to your dog when you want to hydrate them.

List of "WOOF" dog food products recommended for summer fatigue

3. Recommended dog food: "WOOF"

Recommended points of WOOF dog food!

Freeze-dried method preserves all nutrients!

Even if high-quality ingredients are used, regular dog food tends to lose a lot of nutrients when heated. WOOF uses a costly freeze-drying process, so there is less nutritional loss due to heat and you can consume the nutrients of fresh raw meat.
Freeze-dried foods are easier to eat and more delicious when soaked in water or lukewarm water (below 37 degrees Celsius), which is about the same temperature as the skin. They are perfect as a preventative food for summer fatigue.

Safe and secure ingredients

WOOF dog food does not use antibiotics, growth hormones, or supplements when raising livestock. The main ingredient is meat from New Zealand, which is known worldwide as a producer of high-quality meat, seafood, and dairy products. Surprisingly, New Zealand is a reliable source of meat, as there have been no outbreaks of livestock diseases such as BSE.

Luxurious food made from over 90% animal-based ingredients

As dogs are carnivores, our food is made with over 90% animal-based ingredients, and we prioritize the health of dogs. As it contains no grains or potatoes, you can feed it to your dog with peace of mind.

Full health support for your dog

WOOF dog food is luxuriously formulated with ingredients that support the health of dogs, such as manuka honey, chia seeds, virgin coconut oil, hoki liver oil, green mussels, and kelp. Unless there are special circumstances, your dog's daily meals will be enough nutrition. There is no need to add supplements.
WOOF|Bow Wow Place

List of "WOOF" dog food products recommended for summer fatigue

Summary: For dog food that helps prevent summer fatigue, go to Bow Wow Place

Dog food that helps prevent summer fatigue | Bow Wow Place

This time, we explained the signs of summer fatigue in your dog, ways to prevent and treat summer fatigue, and our recommended dog food, "WOOF."

In addition to WOOF, Bow Wow Place also offers a wide range of additive-free, safe and secure dog foods.
If you are looking for a safe place to dine with your partner, please check out Bow Wow Place.

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If you are looking for a safe place to dine with your partner, please check out Bow Wow Place.

Bow Wow Place Dog Food Product List