[Veterinarian Explains!] Are combination vaccines necessary? What types are there? A comprehensive explanation from puppy/kitten to adult dog/cat!

Hello! Following on from the last article about rabies vaccines, this time I will explain about combined vaccines for dogs and cats.

I know there are many different types, but which one should I choose? We will answer your questions!

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1. Vaccine Selection -Dog Edition-

Dog Vaccines

What are core and non-core vaccines?

Your dog's "combination vaccine" contains vaccines against multiple pathogens.

According to the vaccination guidelines created by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA), each pathogen is classified into "core vaccines" and "non-core vaccines."

The diseases included in the core vaccines occur all over the world and can be life-threatening if they develop, so it is recommended that all dogs be vaccinated, regardless of their living environment or geographic location.

On the other hand, non-core vaccines are vaccines that should be considered for administration if there is a risk of infection depending on the breeding environment, geographical factors, and lifestyle.

The core vaccine for dogs includes ①canine distemper virus, ③canine adenovirus type 2, and ③canine parvovirus.

Non-core vaccines include 1) canine parainfluenza virus and 2) leptospira.

In addition, because canine coronavirus infections are usually asymptomatic or the clinical symptoms are mild, the WASAVA guidelines classify it as a non-recommended vaccine.

Which vaccine should you choose?

Generally, the combination vaccines that can be administered in Japan include core vaccines, so the deciding factor is which non-core vaccines to choose.

Parainfluenza virus is also the cause of kennel cough (a cold in doggies), so we recommend vaccination if you often take your dog to dog runs or live in an environment where there is a lot of interaction between dogs.

Regarding leptospirosis, we recommend vaccination if you live in an area where leptospirosis is known to occur or if you often visit natural environments where rats live.

2. Choosing a vaccine: for cats

Cat vaccine

What are core and non-core vaccines?

Just like dogs, combination vaccines for cats are classified into core vaccines and non-core vaccines.

The diseases included in the core vaccines occur worldwide and can be life-threatening if they develop, so it is recommended that all cats be vaccinated, regardless of their living environment or geographic location.

On the other hand, non-core vaccines are vaccines that should be considered for administration if there is a risk of infection depending on the breeding environment, geographical factors, and lifestyle.

The core vaccines for cats include 1) feline viral rhinotracheitis (herpesvirus type 1), 2) feline panleukopenia virus, and 3) feline calicivirus.

Non-core vaccines include
1. Feline chlamydia, 2. Feline leukemia virus, and 3. Feline immunodeficiency virus (feline AIDS).

Which vaccine should you choose?

In general, the prevailing idea is that if you have only one pet and it is kept entirely indoors, only core vaccines should be administered, but if you have multiple pets, frequently use pet hotels, or your pet has access to the outdoors, non-core vaccines should also be administered.

Some hospitals only handle the "triple vaccine" which consists of core vaccines. Please consult with your veterinarian before administering the vaccine!

3. Timing of vaccination - for both dogs and cats -

Mother dog and puppies

First year

The first year's vaccination is a bit special, and it is recommended that both puppies and kittens be vaccinated at 6-8 weeks of age, with repeated vaccinations every 2-4 weeks until 16 weeks of age or older.

Following this rule, many veterinary clinics recommend administering the vaccine three times, at 2 months, 3 months, and 4 months of age.

The reason why multiple vaccinations are required in the first year has to do with "transferable antibodies" inherited from breast milk.

Even if the vaccine is administered during a period when these maternal antibodies are abundant, its effectiveness may be suppressed.
Since the length of time that maternal antibodies remain in the body varies from person to person, it is hoped that by administering the vaccine according to the above schedule, people will be protected against infectious diseases.

From the second year onwards

From the second year onwards, a booster vaccination is required once a year.
However, depending on the health condition of your pet, the vaccination may be postponed or the vaccination interval may be changed. If you are unsure about vaccinations, please consult with your veterinarian.


Additive-free dog food store | Bow Wow Place

This time, we have focused on the timing and location of vaccinations.

The type of equipment you need varies depending on where you live and where you're going, so
If you are planning on traveling, it is a good idea to consult with your veterinarian.

We hope to continue providing accurate information from a veterinarian's perspective, so we appreciate your continued support.

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