We recommend nutritious foods to help you get through the hot summer!

Top » Column » We recommend water-rich dog food to help your dog avoid summer fatigue!

Aren't people prone to getting sick during summer and late summer? This is true not only for people, but also for dogs.
Even if you don't get heatstroke, here are some things you can do to survive the hot summer before you succumb to summer fatigue.

Bow Wow Place offers a wide variety of foods that contain the nutrients your dog needs to survive the hot summer. Please use the correct information to help maintain your dog's health!

1. What should we be careful of during the hot summer?

What should you pay attention to in order to help your dog survive the hot summer?
These include heat stroke, summer fatigue, and burns. Let's take a look at the symptoms of each and when you should be careful!

Heat stroke

It can happen both indoors and outdoors.
When indoors, dogs will move to appropriate places to regulate their body temperature, but if they are left confined to a cage or pen or in a closed room, it becomes difficult for them to regulate their body temperature.

In addition, heatstroke accidents are most common in the summer in cars and when children are left alone. Even if you think it's only five minutes, those five minutes can be fatal, so you must be careful!

Also, when you leave your dog at home alone, it is not okay to just leave the air conditioner on. Dogs have difficulty regulating their body temperature, so a room that is too cold is not comfortable for them. It is important to leave the room open and to create a cool place in the house so that your dog can find a comfortable place and regulate its body temperature on its own.

In the summer, there is a risk of power outages due to typhoons or sudden torrential rains. If the air conditioner goes out, the inside of the house will become like a steam bath, which can be life-threatening, so it is necessary to take proper precautions before going out.

Reference: Air conditioner temperature settings
- Double-coated dog breeds with dense fur: 19-23°C
*Japanese dogs, Dachshunds, Pomeranians, Corgis, Chihuahuas, Papillons, etc.
・Single-coated dog breeds that are weak in the cold: 22-25℃
*Toy poodle, Yorkshire terrier, French bulldog, Maltese, etc.

Summer fatigue

Your dog's SOS signs can be visible symptoms such as "diarrhea" or "vomiting", or they can be less obvious symptoms such as "not feeling well at all". Dogs are generally patient creatures who cannot express their health in words. Therefore, if you notice that your dog is acting differently than usual, take him to the vet as soon as possible.


In the summer, the ground can get hotter than 60 degrees. Therefore, when you take your dog for a walk, its paws can get burned and may tear or peel off. For dogs that are not used to wearing shoes, they are directly exposed to the heat of the ground, so owners should always check the ground temperature with their hands before going for a walk.
Nowadays, there are dog shoes available, but they can still pose a risk of not only burns but also heatstroke, so when taking your dog for a walk, try to take it "early in the morning before the ground gets hot" or "at night after the ground temperature has dropped."
Also, be careful of ``summer cuts'', which can cause symptoms!
For groomed dog breeds such as Shiba Inu and Pomeranians, giving them a summer cut with clippers because they look hot may have the opposite effect.
Their fur is suited to the climate, and in the summer, the undercoat falls off and it gets cooler. However, there are also disadvantages to having a summer cut, such as making them more susceptible to UV rays, which can lead to skin diseases and rashes, so be careful.
What should you be careful of during the hot summer?

Recommended dog food: HERRMANN'S

2. Nutrients are important to survive the hot summer!

It's important to get enough nutrients to survive the hot summer!
The nutrients you should pay particular attention to are protein, B vitamins and vitamin C, and minerals.


Protein, which is found in large amounts in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, and soybeans, is an essential nutrient for preventing summer fatigue. Pork, chicken, beef, lamb, horse meat, and eggs are particularly good sources of nutrition for your dog.

Vitamin B and Vitamin C

Vitamin is a nutrient that plays an important role in maintaining normal growth and metabolism in the body.
Summer vegetables such as tomatoes, pumpkins, molokheiya, bitter melon, and okra, which are in season in the summer, as well as highly vitamin-rich and tasty meats such as chicken, beef, and pork liver are also recommended as ways to prevent summer fatigue!
It is important to be careful not to give too much as it can lead to an overdose of Vitamin A, but in moderate amounts it is a delicious and reliable source of nutrition.

Minerals such as iron and potassium

Iron is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells, and potassium regulates the osmotic pressure of intracellular fluids and the function of the heart and muscles. Iron deficiency can cause anemia and fatigue, while potassium deficiency can cause loss of appetite and loss of energy, so be sure to avoid deficiencies.
Chicken, beef, and pork liver are famous foods rich in iron, while summer vegetables such as cucumber, molokheiya, winter melon, and watermelon are recommended for potassium.
Bow Wow Place sells "Hermann Dog Food," which provides a balanced diet with plenty of nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals. Hermann Dog Food uses plenty of high-quality bio-based meat, vegetables, fruits, and herbs, making your dog's mealtimes even more enjoyable.

3. Recommended wet food: HERRMANN'S

Recommended points of Hermann dog food!
You can get a balanced amount of many nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals that are effective against summer fatigue.
In addition, the restaurant uses an abundance of high-quality organic meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc., so you can enjoy the delicious food with peace of mind.

100% additive-free, with plenty of human-grade Bio meat

It is 100% additive-free, with no chemical pesticides, fertilizers, preservatives, colorings, or other additives. No hormones or antibiotics are used on the animals used as raw materials.
Organic, which takes into consideration the conservation of the natural environment, flora and fauna, and a healthy society, is popularly known as Bio in the EU.
Bio Kreis is one of the organic certification organizations based in Germany that has the world's strictest inspection standards.
It is a mark that has passed rigorous inspections that not only check whether organic ingredients are used, but also whether the lives and rights of the animals used as ingredients, and the working conditions of the people working on farms and production sites are fair.

Focus on vegetables, fruits, and herbs

Vegetables and fruits are carefully grown in fertile soil without the use of chemical fertilizers. Colorful herbs are grown without the use of pesticides, and insects enjoy the nectar. The rich soil, fresh water, and luxurious blessings of southern Bavaria, bathed in plenty of sunlight, are what allow the original aroma and flavor of the ingredients to shine through.
Based on the idea that feeding dogs a variety of foods leads to happiness, Hermann offers nutritious menus that make generous use of high-quality organic meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs, and more.
HERRMANN'S | Bow Wow Place

Summary: For dog food to help your pet get through the hot summer, go to Bow Wow Place

Bow Wow Place

This time, we explained what to be careful of during the hot summer, the nutrients your dog needs, and the recommended dog food, HERRMANN'S.

In addition to HERRMANN'S, Bow Wow Place also carries a wide selection of additive-free, safe and secure dog foods.
If you are looking for a safe place to dine with your partner, please check out Bow Wow Place.

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If you are looking for a safe place to dine with your partner, please check out Bow Wow Place.

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