[Origen] What is the food that utilizes the whole nutrition of ingredients for your beloved dog or cat?

Top » Column » [Origen] What is the food that uses all the nutritional value of ingredients for your beloved dog or cat?

Origen premium pet food is a product of Champion Pet Foods, a Canadian company, and is made using fresh, raw, high-quality ingredients.

Origin is made with an awareness of "biologically appropriate nutrition" and is manufactured with the intention that all the nutrients required by dogs and cats, which are naturally carnivores, should come from "whole prey", supporting the healthy growth of your beloved dog or cat.

Our premium ingredients, like pasture-raised livestock, free-range poultry and wild-caught or sustainably caught fish, make pet food that's right for your beloved dog or cat.

Bow Wow Place offers a wide selection of high-quality dog ​​and cat food without any additives. This time, we will introduce Origen, which uses whole fresh ingredients from Canada.

1. Origen's Concept

1-1 What Origen wants to convey

Do you choose pet food only based on how your dog or cat likes it?

Dogs and cats are naturally carnivores whose bodies are adapted to a meat-based diet and require a lot of protein.

Therefore, to ensure that your beloved dog or cat lives a healthy and happy life, it is important that their food is not only delicious, but also rich in the protein that carnivores require.

ORIJEN has been researching for over 30 years to create fresh(※), nutritious food that your beloved dogs and cats will enjoy, using protein-rich meat as its main ingredient.

We provide the best food for your pets and the families who live with them.

*We use fresh ingredients within the last 5 days. Some lineups use only raw ingredients.

1-2 Are dogs and cats omnivores or carnivores?

Dogs inherit DNA from carnivores such as the gray wolf and cats inherit DNA from the African wildcat, so the functions of their internal organs have not changed since their ancestors.

The teeth, jaw structure, and intestinal length of dogs and cats are designed to digest meat, which is their natural diet, and their saliva does not contain amylase, which digests carbohydrates.

Let's take a look at the specific body structures of dogs and cats (see diagram below).

Body structure of dogs and cats

The structure of teeth and jaws

They only have sharp teeth and their jaws can only move vertically, making them well suited to swallowing meat and fish whole or chewing and tearing them apart. On the other hand, they have a hard time crushing plants.

Length of the intestine

The intestines are short enough to digest meat. On the other hand, they are not long enough to digest plants, which are difficult and take a long time to digest. Herbivores have long intestines.

Components of Saliva

Saliva does not contain the digestive enzyme amylase (the enzyme needed to digest carbohydrates).

Therefore, in order for your beloved dog or cat to live a healthy and happy life, it is important that their food is not only delicious, but also rich in the protein that carnivores require.

Now, let's take a look at the features of Origen.

Origen product list

2. Features of Origen

Features of Origen
2-1 Biologically Appropriate Nutrition

Ideal meat and protein

Many of the foods currently on the market are primarily made up of carbohydrates rather than protein, and lack the nutrients needed for healthy living.

ORIJEN ingredients contain more meat and protein than most other foods.
Ideal Meat and Protein | Bow Wow Place

Thoroughly reduced carbohydrates and grain free

The commonly held belief that a grain-free diet is a good one is not true .
It is not just important that the food is grain-free, but that it contains low amounts of carbohydrates, which dogs and cats have difficulty digesting.

ORIJEN food contains less than 20% carbohydrates. ORIJEN does not use carbohydrates with a high GI (an index that indicates the degree of rise in blood sugar levels after a meal).
Extremely Low Carb & Grain Free | Bow Wow Place

2-2 The world's best ingredients

Freshness and high nutritional value

We use raw materials that are caught within five days, so they are fresh and safe, and we place importance on nutritional value, digestibility, and flavor, and we procure them from trusted ranches and fishermen.

Origin is committed to whole play processing using raw materials within five days of procurement.

Whole prey means using raw ingredients such as meat, fish, and other animal ingredients, such as heart, liver, kidneys, and other internal organs, as well as a small amount of bone, in the proportions that correspond to the diet of a carnivore.

Processing raw materials within five days of production helps to preserve nutrients.

Also, cooking food in whole food ratios helps you get the various nutrients you need.
Fresh and nutritious | Bow Wow Place

Producers who have built trust over many years

We source all of our ingredients from trusted ranches and fishermen, including bison farmers, lamb, herb and turkey producers, and saltwater fishermen.
As a result, we have won numerous awards of global standards recognized by breeders and veterinarians.
Producers who have built trust over the years | Bow Wow Place

2-3 Our own kitchen maintains safety and quality

Produced in internationally recognized NORTSTAR kitchens to human food processing standards.

In addition, we have a state-of-the-art traceability system that tracks raw materials throughout the kitchen, records all information on the packaging code, and manages all cooking data from start to finish in real time.

2-4 Support for improving health and life expectancy through research by pet nutrition experts

Using the latest science, experts such as nutritionists, food scientists, and veterinarians conduct research to maintain and promote the health of pets, which is expected to help extend their healthy lifespan and prevent diseases such as urinary tract stones and kidney disease.

It appears to be suitable for the following health benefits:

Digestive health care, heart health care, skin and coat health care, immune support, tear stain care, obesity prevention support, etc.

Origen product list

3. How to Give Origen

3-1 Recommended daily feeding amount

For reference, we will list Origen's original dog food and cat food here.

Recommended daily feeding amount of Origen Original (for dogs) (g )

Weight (kg) usually
2-5kg 30-60g
5-10kg 60-120g
10-20kg 120-160g
20-30kg 160-240g
30-40kg 240-280g
40-50kg 280-330g
50-60kg 330-390g

Weight (kg) Active
2-5kg 40-90g
5-10kg 90-150g
10-20kg 150-240g
20-30kg 240-330g
30-40kg 330-420g
40-50kg 420-480g
50-60kg 480-570g

Recommended daily feeding amount of Origen Original (for cats) (g )

Weight (kg) Lean Cat
2-3kg 33-43g
3-4kg 43-65g
4-5kg 65-74g
5-6kg 74-86g
6-8kg 86-97g
8-10kg 97-114g

Weight (kg) After spaying/neutering
2-3kg 26-33g
3-4kg 33-43g
4-5kg 43-52g
5-6kg 52-65g
6-8kg 65-74g
8-10kg 74-86g

Weight (kg) Senior
4-5kg 43-52g
5-6kg 52-65g
6-8kg 65-86g
8-10kg 86-114g

The feeding amount is slightly less than that of regular dog and cat food.
This is because it is highly nutritious. Since the amount eaten is small, it also puts less strain on the stomach when digesting.

*Bow Wow Place also lists recommended feeding amounts for other types of Origen.

3-2 How to Give Origen

Food transition

When switching to a new food, it's best to transition gradually to avoid stomach upset. To ensure a smooth transition, start by replacing about 25% of your pet's regular food with Origen.

Origen Food Transition | Bow Wow Place

Food rotation

There is no set rule for food rotation, just feed your pet a different recipe every day, every week, or every time they finish a bag.
Also, when you first introduce Origen, make sure to introduce it slowly, as the variety of nutrients and flavors will encourage your dog to eat it.

Origen Food Rotation

Origen product list

Summary: For safe and secure additive-free pet food, come to Bow Wow Place!

Bow Wow Place

This time I'll be talking about Origen.

Origen is a premium food that uses Canadian ingredients and is made using Canadian manufacturing methods, so we highly recommend it.

In addition to Origen, Bow Wow Place also offers a range of additive-free, safe and secure foods.

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If you are looking for a safe place to dine with your partner, please check out Bow Wow Place.

Bow Wow Place Product List